
Showing posts with the label 1919

Santa Claus Comes to Cuba City

Dancing Off That Turkey

Christmas advertisements, 1919

Scary Santa countdown, 1919

Moms love jewelry from Florine's

The Marshall Building: a "magnificent structure"

"An Epochal Event": John and Elizabeth Stephens Celebrate 55 Years

American Legion Post 104 Formed

Halloween Mischief

Charlie Chaplin at the Auditorium

Fountain pens at Florine's

The favorite family car

Enroll now at Cuba High, 1919

New barber prices in effect

Buster Brown and Tige

True Talks by the Town Truth Teller

The "nineteen-nineteeners": Cuba City's 1919 graduates

It's a dandy: the Fordson tractor

Maytag washers at Pascoe Bros.

1919 business directory