American Legion Post 104 Formed

On this day, one hundred years ago, the following officers were elected for Cuba City's newly formed American Legion Post 104: W. G. Wimmer, Post Commander; Henry J. Kellner, Post Vice Commander; Laurence C. Flynn, Post Adjutant; Fred C. Stephens, Post Finance Officer; Arthur L. Arndorfer, Post Historian.

Cuba City News-Herald (October 31, 1919).

Cuba City's American Legion Post was chartered just a few weeks earlier on October 11, 1919. According to the centennial history, in addition to the elected officers, other charter members were A. J. Galligan, A. G. Splinter, John E. Cook, H. F. Andrew, Vincent Baker, W. G. Booth, Ben A. Conlon, Dr. J. E. Donnell, Alvin Duggan, Ross Dickens, Edward Faivre, Paul J. Fiedler, Basil Faherty, Frank D. Harris, McKinley Johns, Jesse Knox, Charles C. Lippolt, Leo Primissing, Harry E. Phillips, A. C. Pomeroy, Nicholas Schmieder, Dwight S. Stephens, Jesse Taylor and J. N. Whalen.

In March 1920, the organization took up headquarters in the rooms above the Bert Nankivil barber shop, which is now the northern Gile Real Estate & Insurance building, next to Nick's Cafe. The Village of Cuba City donated $200 to furnish the meeting rooms, and numerous businesses and individuals contributed to the cause, as well. The Post expressed its gratitude with these words in the local newspaper:
"Our appreciation is most heartily extended to Mr. H. D. Meloy and our many friends who so liberally contributed to the American Legion donation, to the Village of Cuba City for their liberal donation, to F. A. Florine & Son for the Official Legion Banner, to Mrs. Smalley for the furniture, which is very acceptable, to 'Goldy' for fine stationery and cards, to Dillon Donohoo for the American Flag, to Mrs. Smalley and Mrs. Chas. Lippolt for their kindness in putting our rooms in order and the furnishings. For all this we wish to thank you very kindly and assure our many friends that we fully appreciate what they have done for us."
--Cuba City News-Herald (April 9, 1920)
Post 104 settled into its new home quickly. One of the first events held there--a "feed"-- was reported a success:

Cuba City News-Herald (April 16, 1920)

The American Legion Post 104 is still operating in Cuba City today. 
