A Look Inside St. Rose School

This photograph, taken in 1918, offers a rare peek inside the first St. Rose Catholic School, which was built just a few years earlier in 1916. The old school was located at the corner of Madison and Lafayette Street, on the site of the current St. Rose School.

Photo courtesy of Rachel Butts.

The St. Rose Catholic School beside the church and, just visible, the rectory, on Madison Street in Cuba City.

The following names were written on the back of the photo (local newspapers were consulted to assist with spelling and other uncertainties):

? Conlon, Edwin Heitkamp, Delvin Kemps, Delbert Doyle, Kenney Bartlett, Louis Fiedler, Herman Fiedler, Lloyd Jungles, Thomas Smith, Charles Loeffelholz, Wilbur Loeffelholz, Lawrence Hines, Thomas Hines, Willie Murray, Leo Olson, Dominic Alt, Francis Alt, Bernard Doyle, Gerald Fager, Lawrence Schmieder, Hyacinth Donohoo, Bill Banfield, Ervin Heim, Wilbur Heim, Orlin Conlon, Steadman Youman, Florence Kellner, Josephine Banfield, Florence Conlon, Nadine Conlon, Clarice Harty, Eulalia Cullen, Elizabeth O'Neill, Caroline Conlon, Mary Bussan, Arletta Banfield, Gertrube Jacobi, Imelda Doyle, Veronica Schnorrenberg, Catherine Holdgrafer, Ilene Wiederhold, Alverna Rosemeyer.
