Cuba City Soldiers Injured at Okinawa

On this day in 1945, the Battle of Okinawa, fought between United States and Japanese forces, came to an end. It was a victory for the Allies, but the number of casualties on both sides was staggering.
Two young men from Cuba City were injured in the campaign. First Lieutenant Lewis J. Cox, eight-year Marine veteran, was serving as a platoon leader during the Battle for Sugar Loaf Hill when he received a leg injury. Despite being wounded, Cox refused to be evacuated until ordered to do so and was awarded the Silver Star for his part in the battle.
Published in the Wisconsin State Journal (June 17, 1945).

Pfc. Donald G. Birkett, veteran of three Pacific campaigns, was serving with an Army tank battalion when he suffered leg fractures from a Japanese tank gun. He was sent to Oahu to recover and was still there in August when Japan surrendered.
Published in the Telegraph Herald (August 19, 1945).
