Spooks Here, Spooks There : Cuba City's 1921 Halloween Festivities

How was Cuba City celebrating Halloween one hundred years ago? The following festive events received mention in the Cuba City News-Herald.

Image from Dennison's Bogie Book (1920).

BOYS HAVE SWELL TIME (October 21, 1921)

The members of the Henry Pinch Post 104, American Legion were royally entertained, Monday evening, at a Hallowe'en party. The witches greeted the Legionaires and each guest had a mask of pumpkin, bat, ghost, cat or devil.

A series of stunts were carried out, the most fun being a cock fight. Larry Flynn and Art Splinter were referee and umpire. The first combatants were Earl Knox and Ed Faivre. Earl finally succeeded in getting Ed. out of the circle. Walter Bauer and Basil Faherty put on equally as good a fight as the other one.

Mrs. Smalley announced the characters picked for a play, "The District Skule of Fifty Years Ago," to be given in the near future.

A cafeteria lunch was served--sandwiches, coffee, pickles, pumpkin pie, tarts, candy and popcorn balls. A great amount of eats were left over and Larry Flynn and Arthur Droullard auctioned them off.


HALLOWE'EN SOCIAL (October 28, 1921)

A box social will be held at the Casper School, Monday evening, Oct. 31. A short program will be given. Come!


ST. ROSE SCHOOL NOTES (October 28, 1921)

Spooks here, Spooks there, Spooks in the air, Spooks everywhere--"Hallowe'en," the "Goblins," "Mr. Bogieman," and the "Horse without a Head," gives us an opportunity to delve into the realness of the vast imaginative power possessed by the infants. The primary people are anticipating a "Spook Party."

THE (PUBLIC) SCHOOL NEWS (November 4, 1921)

The H. S. gave a party Monday evening in Loeffelholz Auditorium. The evening was spent in dancing and in playing games. Everyone who was there had a very enjoyable time.

LOCAL HAPPENINGS (November 4, 1921)

Evelyn and Katherine Rudkin entertained a number of their friends Sunday afternoon to a Hallowe'en party. A very pleasant afternoon was spent and refreshments were served, which were enjoyed by all.

Hallowe'en has come and gone and the usual pranks of the young folks were in evidence.
