Calling All Drivers

One hundred years ago, one Cuba City business took matters into its own hands when railroad delays threw a wrench in its operations. Unable to get their regular deliveries of new vehicles, Loeffelholz Bros., the local Ford dealership, gathered teams of adventure-seeking citizens to drive to Detroit (and in one case, Milwaukee) to pick up the automobiles in person.

Loeffelholz Bros. Ford Garage, Main Street.
At least four road trips were made between May and July 1920. The following mentions in the Cuba City News-Herald document the journeys and identify the drivers: 

May 7, 1920: "On account of freight delays, Loeffelholz Bros. sent a dozen 'drivers' to Detroit last week to drive home Ford cars. The drivers who went were: C. Loeffelholz, L. Hilvers, V. Lacke, F. Lacke, Rees Edwards, James Galligan, Artie Wagner, Jno. Loeffelholz, Wilbur Hird, Bob Williams, W. A. Banfield, and A. C. Piquette. Others who went along for the trip were Alberta Fager, Dora and Wilbur Loeffelholz, and Clinton Harrison."

May 14, 1920: "The following went to Detroit, Mich., the past week for another batch of Ford cars: Chas. Loeffelholz, Ed. Wagner, Vincent Lacke, Rush Laird, Tom Grimm, Moses Piquette, Burnette Jackson, Wilbur Wiederhold, Irving Lebben, Jno. Clemens, Albert Lippolt, Thoburn Ralph, Stella Pinch, and Johanna Loeffelholz. We understand that a couple of the drivers were 'nabbed' at Podunk (or some other little town) for speeding. The boys claim it was a frameup."

June 11, 1920: "The following went to Milwaukee, Monday morning to drive Fords out for Loeffelholz Bros.: Chas. Loeffelholz and son Wilbur, Cletus Conlon, Frances Lacke, Rush Laird, J. B. Wagner, Val. Wiederhold, and Thos. Grimm. They returned Tuesday evening."

July 16, 1920: "Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Loeffelholz, and son, Wilbur, Henry Lange, Francis Lacke and Alvin Schmieder went to Detroit, Friday, for another batch of Ford cars. They reached home on Monday evening, the return trip being made without mishap."
