A Swell Garage

One hundred years ago today, the Cuba City News-Herald published the following article describing improvements made to the Loeffelholz Bros. garage, owned by George and Charles Loeffelholz. Many will recognize the building, which still stands today across from City Hall.
Loeffelholz Bros. have nearly completed the series of improvements at their popular garage and now have one of the best service stations in the county. An addition 50x50 to the original building now gives a floor space 150x50, with basement 20x50 for coal. A nicely appointed office 18x20 and a stock room 18x25 have also been arranged for and a $7,000 stock of Ford repairs is carried by perpetual inventory. The repair department is equipped with four pits, with a fall line of overhead track and switch track for each pit.

The business of this popular firm has grown to such proportions that a special book keeper and accountant has been employed--Mr. Floyd Riege--whose experience as assistant cashier of the First National Bank of this city will prove of value to his new employers. He assumes his new duties the first of March. What is termed the Ford system of book keeping will be installed by an expert in the Ford service.

Not only has the business of the garage grown to such vast proportions, but the business of the Auditorium has also increased. Some of the best pictures in the movie game have been secured by the Auditorium management and the patrons are loud in their praise of the bookings.
**Images courtesy of the Cuba City Centennial history.
