Cuba City's Future Farmers

In honor of National FFA Week, here are some early members of Cuba City's Future Farmers of America in 1940. The Cuba City chapter was started in 1934.

Image from the "Remember When" DVD put together by Beanie Loeffelholz and the City of Presidents.
Left to right, front row: Glen Egan (treasurer), Merrill Egan (vice president), Delton Fleege (president), Jerome Simon (secretary), Joseph Klein (reporter). Second row: Jack Dawson, Walley Wedig, Paul Hoppenjan, Emerson Jessen, Francis Clemens, Jim Runde, Charlie Aurit. Back row: Melvin Kirk, Beauf Steinhoff, Charlie Olson, Charley Hoppenjan, Dean Rogers, Harold Staver. Mr. Pete May (not pictured) was the agriculture teacher and FFA advisor.
