"War Savers are Life Savers"

As World War I continued to rage into 1918, the U.S. government looked to its citizens for more help in funding the conflict. Cuba City residents learned about War Savings Stamps in the February 1, 1918 issue of the Cuba City News Herald.

 The stamps could be purchased locally at the post office, school, and First National Bank.

Image courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-USZC4-8384

The article below was published by the local committee of A. J. Eustice, F. E. Ralph, and W. H. Goldthorpe.


In offering “War Savings Stamps” to the public the United States Government has made immediately available for every man, woman, and child in the country a profitable, simple and secure investment.

What They Are

War Savings Stamps are the answer of a great democracy to the demand for a democratic form of government security. They are “little baby bonds.” Like Liberty Bonds, they have behind them the entire resources of the Government and people of the United States. They have the additional advantage that they steadily increase in value from the date of purchase until the date of maturity, and this increase is guaranteed by the Government. These stamps are issued in two denominations, the 25-cent stamp and the $5 stamp.

For the convenience of investors a “Thrift Card” is furnished to all purchasers of 25-cent stamps. This card has spaces for 16 stamps. When all the spaces have been filled the Thrift Card may be exchanged for a $5 stamp at postoffices, banks, or other authorized agencies by adding 13 cents in cash prior to March 1, 1918, and 1 cent additional each month thereafter.

Those who prefer may buy a $5 stamp outright. These are on sale at the postoffice, schoolhouse, and First National Bank. They automatically increase in value a cent a month every month thereafter until January 1, 1923, when the United States will pay $5 at any postoffice or at the Treasury in Washington for each stamp affixed to a War-Savings Certificate.

When you purchase a $5 stamp, you must attach it to an engraved folder known as a “War-Savings Certificate,” which bears the name of the purchaser and can be cashed only by the person whose name appears upon the certificate, except in case of death or disability. This certificate contains 20 spaces. The amount of War-Savings Stamps sold to any one person at any one time shall not exceed $100 (maturity value), and no person may hold such stamps or War-Savings Certificates to an aggregate amount exceeding $1,000 (maturity value).

If the holder of a War-Savings Certificate finds it necessary to realize cash on it before maturity he may at any time, upon giving 10 days’ written notice to any money-order postoffice receive for each stamp affixed to his certificate the amount paid therefor plus 1 cent for each calendar month after the month of purchase of each stamp. A registered certificate may be redeemed, however, only at the postoffice where registered.

In other words, the plan is simple, straightforward, and certain. The holder of the certificates can not lose and is certain to gain. He is buying the safest security in the world in the most convenient form in which the security of a great Government has ever been offered to its people.

Image courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-19925

Why You Should Buy Them

The main reason for the purchase of War-Savings Stamps is because your country is at War. Your Country needs every penny which every man, woman, and child can save and lend in order to feed, clothe, arm, and equip the soldiers and sailors of America and to win this righteous war in defense of American honor and the cause of democracy throughout the world.

If we are to win the war, we must win it as a united people. The savings of every man, woman, and child are necessary if we are to hasten the victorious ending of the war. War Savers are Life Savers.

A single strand in the cables which upheld the great Brooklyn Suspension Bridge is not very strong, but thousands of these strands bound together uphold one of the great thoroughfares of the world.

When our fathers and sons were called by our Country to take up arms in her defense, you did not hear an individual soldier refuse to serve because his service alone would not win the war. Each man was ready to do his part. The great army thus formed is going forward to face the fire of battle and to risk everything for the safety and security of our homes and our families, and for the very existence of our Country.

Image courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-USZC4-9999

These are the men for whom you are asked to save and lend your dollars.

A Country worth fighting for is a Country worth saving for.

To save money is to save a life.

Buy War-Savings Stamps at postoffices, banks, trust companies, or other authorized agencies, and strike a blow for our Country.

In every city and village and crossroads in the state of Wisconsin the popular form of conversation today turns upon the big drive for War Savings which will be inaugurated in this state February 3 and continue throughout the week.

By means of this drive it is expected that not less than 1,000,000 War Savers will be secured in Wisconsin by the night of February 10. When you are interviewed by a solicitor the coming week, don’t be a “slacker” but DO YOUR BIT.

A. J. Eustice
F. E. Ralph
W. H. Goldthorpe
