Don't say you are too busy to knit

Cuba City had a very active Red Cross branch during World War I. This newspaper piece encouraging (or shaming) residents to get involved is still intense almost one hundred years later.


What is your work for the war? Undoubtedly you have given generously of your income, but that is not sufficient to buy immunity from work, from personal sacrifice, from the honorable weariness of those who share great responsibilities and give themselves with light heart and high purpose to a noble and lofty ideal. When we think of the war work we would like to do, it is in terms of ambulance drivers and aviation pilots. Yet these roles are for the few and they alone can not win this war. Back of them must be a great army of workers ready to take up the humblest task leading to victory. There is one form of work that every woman can share. Don’t say that you are too busy to knit. In war more men die from cold and exposure and illness than from wounds. Every hour that you waste, you are throwing away the life of one of our soldiers. Do you dare to shirk? Set aside a part of each day for your war work. It may tire you a little—what of it? Do you think our army is ignorant of fatigue? Our men are giving up every pleasure, every comfort, every home tie—offering up their bodies and their lives for you. Just stop and think of all they are doing for you and your children! Come out and begin your work today.

The Red Cross has just made another shipment of seven hundred and forty-six (746) pieces altogether. Here is a list of the knit articles:

16 Mufflers
23 Wristlets
7 Pairs Socks
6 Sweaters
5 Hemlets

Our meetings are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, from 2:00 to 5:00 o’clock. Room in the First National Bank Building.

--Cuba City News Herald (11-02-1917)


  1. Try that today and you'd be told to mind your own damned business.

    The times, they do change!

    Jim McCrea


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