Cuba City school staff, 1928-29

The following list of teachers at Cuba City's public grade and high school in the 1928-29 school year gives you an idea of how classes were arranged and what subjects were offered. The numbers beside the names are the annual salaries.

L. A. Struck, Prin.-----------------------------2400.00
Alma Borah, English & Library-----------------1485.00
Alice Johnson---------------------------------1215.00
Theodore Kexel, Science and Music------------1450.00
Arthur Kriewald, Commercial------------------1700.00
Ann Power, Latin, Mathematics----------------1215.00
Hale Quandt, Science and Mathematics---------1700.00
Martha Warner, 7-8 Grades---------------------990.00
Catherine McCarten, 5-6 Grades----------------990.00
Marjorie Kay, 3-4 Grades-----------------------1080.00
Delia Preston, 1-2 Grades-----------------------1125.00
Florence B. Quandt, Kindergarten and Music-----675.00

School officers, which I assume were the equivalent of a school board, were W. A. Kivlahan, Dr. J. C. Harris, and L. W. Porter.
