WPA benefits Cuba City

The Works Progress Administration (WPA) was a federal relief program instituted as part of President Roosevelt’s New Deal in 1935. Its purpose was to put Americans to work on all kinds of new projects during the Great Depression. In August 1935, the Dubuque Telegraph Herald published a list of approved projects for Grant County, Wisconsin. Cuba City made out well with its approved WPA project : a gymnasium for the school district that is still standing today and better know as the "Pit."

A few excerpts from the Telegraph Herald article:

"Smelser township asks for $16,000 to resurface town roads and build culvert bridges."
"School house gymnasium addition, Cuba City, Reedsburg, Benton, La Forge, Ridgeway, Cassville school district No. 2 and 3 in Harrison township."

---Telegraph Herald, Dubuque, Iowa; August 18, 1935
See the actual article via Google's News Archive.
