Red Cross Hard at Work

During World War I, the newly formed Cuba City branch of the Red Cross was hard at work. Members met several days a week to make items for the war effort. Here is one of their schedules:


The schedule for the local Red Cross work for next week is as follows:

Tuesday--Compresses and Slings
Wednesday--Wipes, Drains and Fracture Pads
Thursday--Laparotomy Pads and Head Bandages
Friday--Rolls and T. Binders

--Cuba City News Herald, August 3, 1917

The hard work paid off and many supplies were shipped off for use in the war.

Red cross surgical dressings shipped this week were as follows: 92 head bandages, 24 T-binders, 148 single compresses, 83 double compresses, 41 triangle slings, 177 wipes, 75 rolls, 55 laboratory pads, 45 drains, and 8 suits of pajamas. Did you make one of these? -- Cuba City News Herald, August 17, 1917

Those who didn't contribute their time making supplies found other ways to help out. Cuba City residents could donate materials to the Red Cross:

"Old sheets, pillow cases, or table cloths--or any old white muslin--that anyone wishes to donate for Red Cross work, may be left at headquarters any afternoons except Monday and Saturday."--  Cuba City News Herald, August 3, 1917

Residents could also attend fundraisers for the Red Cross, like the one below:


The Red Cross Society is going to have an Ice Cream Social at the City Park, Saturday evening, August 18. The proceeds are to be used in buying yarn. Everybody come.

--Cuba City News Herald, August 17, 1917 

