A Hospital for Cuba City

From the Cuba City News Herald, March 9, 1917:

Hospital at Cuba City

I wish to announce that I have determined to equip my residence in Cuba City for a hospital and will open same to the public, April 15, 1917.

The building will be thoroughly overhauled and especial pains taken to provide patients with every possible comfort and convenience. Trained nurses will be in charge and patients may select their own physicians and surgeons.

There has been a demand in Cuba City for an institution of this kind. I will do my best to serve everyone satisfactorily and I respectfully solicit the patronage of those requiring hospital treatment, and I hope to merit the recommendation of our physicians and surgeons.

signed Mrs. Anna R. Edwards

Anna Edwards was the wife of Dr. Thomas Lewis Edwards, who practiced in Cuba City from sometime after 1894 until his death in 1908. According to the Cuba City Centennial Book, the doctor's home and office was "in a frame building where the parking lot south of the Cuba City Motor Company now is." [Across from City Hall on Main Street.]

The images below are from the Cuba City Centennial Book.
