Halloween in Cuba City, 1915

From the Cuba City News Herald, October 29, 1915:

From the Cuba City News Herald, October 22, 1915:

High School Notes – Miss Daisy Nicholas, Reporter

A hallowe’en super and entertainment will be given by the four classes in the High School and several of the grades on Friday evening, Oct. 29, at the High School. Everybody cordially invited. A few of the attractions will be the Goblins’ Cave, A Leap in the Dark, Fortune Telling, Fish Ponds, side shows and—don’t get excited and forget about the Eats! A short but interesting entertainment will be given in the High Room before supper. Come and enjoy this evening if you never have before. Special entertainment for young and for old.

From the Cuba City News Herald, November 5, 1915:

High School Notes – Miss Daisy Nicholas, Reporter

The Hallowe’en Social at the High School proved a great success. Minor entertainments were offered in apple grabbing and various ways of reading the future, the chief attraction of this kind being the ghost and witch who read fortunes from pumpkin seeds. The secret of the Goblin Cave with its ghost who told some very weird stories proved satisfactory to al who attended. Many souvenirs were obtained from the fish pond. A program consisting of extempore numbers from John Burns, Willie Cook, Dorothy Bass, Daisy Nicholas, the Goblins and the new C.H.S. Orchestra were fully appreciated by all present. After the amusements the last chief attraction of the evening was enjoyed in the form of a wholesome lunch. We as members of the C.H.S. and the teachers wish to extend our thanks to all who so kindly helped us in so many ways and we sincerely hope that more will take an interest and find pleasure in our future school events.


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