School Days

From the Cuba City News Herald, September 3, 1915:

School Starts Monday, Sep. 13

It has been decided to start school on Monday, Sep. 13, and from present indications, another successful school year will result. Building operations on the new addition will not interfere materially with the work of the teachers and students. The faculty has been selected with care and following is the list of teachers:

F. E. Ralph, Supervising Principal
Regina Whaley
Bertha L. Carns
Leone McDermott
Jennie Geaseland
Marguerite Mahr
Mabel H. Beavers
Alma Willey
Verna Peacock
Alta Blades

Cuba City has school facilities equal to any town of its size in the state. The courses of study are comprehensive and students who attend school here are given every advantage.

The schedule of rates for book rent, which is payable strictly in advance, is as follows:

1st Grade…………………………………Free
2nd and 3d Grades………………………..75c
4th and 5th Grades………………………..$1.00
6th and 7th Grades…………………………1.25
8th Grade…………………………………..1.50
High School………………………………...2.50

It is earnestly requested that parents see to it that their children report on the opening day so that there will be no delay in getting down to business.
