Pavement celebration

By the summer of 1915, part of Main Street was paved and there was a grand party to celebrate.

From the Cuba City News Herald, July 16, 1915:

Cuba City to have big time Tuesday night. To celebrate the new pavement. Something new--Don't miss the Doin's July 20.

Cuba City has finished its initial stretch of pavement, which will soon be opened to the public and in recognition of the good work started which we hope to extend from time to time, the Cuba City Commercial Club will stage a Gala Night next Tuesday, the 20th. The evenings entertainment will consist of music, speaking and dancing in the open air.

An entire block, from the State Bank to the First National Bank, will be closed for the evening, by order of the village board. Seats will be provided and the best of order preserved.

Gentleman will be charged a small admittance--25c for spectators; dancers 75c; ladies and children free.

Dinner will be served at the Dewey Hotel at 11:30.

All are invited to attend the biggest evening of the season in Cuba City.

The Tschudi Male Quartette of Dubuque have been secured for the occasion, also the C. C. M. B. male quartette.

Among the speakers who have given assurance of being here are Atty. L. A. Brunckhorst of Platteville, H. W. Nessler of Belmont, Atty. Frank Conley of Darlington, W. R. Buchan of Benton, and J. H. Cox of Hazel Green. As we go to press, negotiations are on for representatives from Galena, Shullsburg and other towns nearby.

Don't miss "Gala Night."
